Best Foods That Will Help You to Lose Acne

Acne can be a real skin problem, a problem that is present in the young as well as in the elderly. An important factor for people suffering from acne are various food products and substances that cause inflammation in the tissues and thus acne appears. An important question that is important to everyone in order to get rid of acne is what food should be consumed to improve the condition?

Vitamin A

Vitamin A is part of numerous cosmetic products against acne. The vitamin helps to clean the skin and treat the symptoms of itching, inflammation, etc.

The best source of vitamin A is carrots, spinach, pumpkin, broccoli, eggs.

Omega-3 fatty acids

Omega-3 fatty acids fight inflammation and alleviate skin problems.

The best source of omega-3 is almonds, walnuts, flax seeds, seafood, stuffed fish


Probiotics, in addition to helping with problems with the digestive system, probiotics also help with the skin, which is why it is recommended to consume them.

The best natural provider of probiotics is yogurt. You can also take it as a dietary supplement.

The zinc

Zinc is an important mineral for the skin. Its role is to calm acne and prevent its spread. Zinc also neutralizes acne-causing bacteria.

The best sources of zinc are nuts, wheat, turkey meat, whole grains.


Antioxidants fight free radicals that cause inflammation in tissues, including the skin.

The best sources of antioxidants are lemon, avocado, spinach, sweet potatoes, tomatoes.


Selenium is a very important substance for the body that also fights against free radicals. The combination of vitamin E and selenium is powerful against acne. The best sources of selenium are fish, Brazil nuts, ham.

Brazil nuts.

These are some of the important things to pay attention to if you want to improve your skin. Of course, it will not go away with several times of consumption of the already mentioned things, but with constant use, there should be a result on your skin. Try it and share your experiences happening on your skin.

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