How to cook a perfect omelette.

The omelette recipe is firstly rich in protein and gives energy, and the reason for this rich source is the eggs. There are many ways to cook eggs, but one of the best students is the omelette, which can be made in many ways, it depends on your choice and the taste of what food you like.

Ingredients needed:

  • 3 eggs
  • salt and pepper
  • oil
  • vegetable mix
  • cheese

Method of preparation:

  1. Crack the eggs into a bowl and beat them thoroughly.
  2. Heat a frying pan with oil over medium heat. Add the vegetable mix and sauté until they are cooked to your liking. Remove the vegetables from the pan and set them aside.
  3. In the same pan, pour in the beaten eggs. Allow them to cook undisturbed for a minute or two.
  4. Once the eggs start to set, add the cooked vegetables to one side of the omelette.
  5. If desired, sprinkle cheese over the vegetables.
  6. Let the omelette cook for a few more minutes until the bottom is golden brown and the cheese is melted.
  7. Using a spatula, fold the omelette in half to cover the vegetables and cheese.
  8. Cook for another minute or until the cheese is fully melted.
  9. Slide the omelette onto a plate and serve hot.


The number of calories in an omelette can vary based on the specific ingredients used and the portion size. However, here’s an approximate breakdown of the calorie content for a basic omelette made with three eggs and cooked with a teaspoon of oil:

  • Eggs (3 large): around 210 calories
  • Oil (1 teaspoon): around 40 calories
  • Cheese (1 ounce, optional): around 110 calories
  • Vegetables (varies based on type and amount): typically low in calories, around 20-50 calories depending on the quantity

So, a basic omelette with three eggs, a teaspoon of oil, and vegetables would be around 270-300 calories. If you add cheese, the calorie count would increase accordingly.

Enjoy your delicious omelette!

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